Saturday, March 14, 2009


In our house you will find many pairs of toys. They don't always look identical, but they are basically the same. Frequently Danyka has the pink version (her favorite color) and Whit's is blue (her favorite color). I thought it was pretty cute this last week when Whitney concluded that she wanted her hair to look just like her sister's. Danyka had hers cut short on Sunday. I knew that Whit's needed a trim as well but I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted done. Although, like the toys, they aren't identical...they are basically the same.
I love these little girls and it's a blessing to watch them grow up together. I see many years of laughter and silliness in our future.
Thanks to DeAnna who took this darling picture along with many others. You've got to love the fancy holiday dresses...and of course they must have a bow to match.


Wisners said...

Your girls are super cute! We need to get together sometime soon...

DeAnna said...

so cute! I can't wait to watch my girls bond as they get older.